1. www.gururaghavendra.org
Hare Srinivasa
Sri Raghavendra SwamigaLu was one of the great proponents of the Madhva philosophy. For nearly 50 years, he was the head of one of the great peeTha-s. His predecessors include such scholars like Vijayeendra teertha & Sudheendra teertha.
He excelled in many fields such as logic, meemAmsA, music, yoga, dharmashAstra, & all 64 arts. As an avatara of Prahlada, he chose as his Brindavan Manchaale (Mantralaya) on the bank of the Tungabadhra, where Prahlada had performed his yaj~na in kR^ita yuga.
It is said that the stone used for the Brindavan was sanctified by the touch of Sri Rama and Sita in the treta yuga. His nephew, Narayanacharya, wrote Raghavendra Vijaya, which gives a full account of the life of this great saint.
pUrvAshrama of Sri Rayaru
Sri Raghavendra Swami was born in 1595 in Kaveripattana, Tamil Nadu to Thimmanna Bhatta and Gopikamba. His ancestors were of the Gautama Gotra. He was named Venkatanatha as he was born by the grace of Lord Venkateshwara. When his father was performing akSharAbhyAsa, Venkatanatha asked how a small letter like Om can explain the great God.
The father was overjoyed that his son understood that the God cannot be fully explained by one small letter. Venkatanatha’s Upanayanam was performed in chaitra mAsa, when he was 8 years old. Although his father passed away by then, Venkatanatha did not consider himself an orphan, as he considered Sri Narayana as his father and Gayathri, who reveals Him, as every twice-born’s real mother.
Venkatanatha studied yajur veda, maNimanjari, and anumadhvavijaya at Madurai.His powers of meditation were shown when his water from doing sandyAvandane happened to fall on a dry seed, which sprouted. He also developed an expertise in playing the Veena, so he became known as Veena Venkata Bhatta.
This is not surprising, since Venkatanatha came from a family skilled in music. His great-grandfather, Krishnabhatta, tutored the King of the Vijayanagar kingdom, Krishnadevaraya, in vina, and his father was skilled in music as well.
Upon returning from Madurai, he was married to Saraswati, who was from a noble family. His marriage, just like his Upanayanam and schooling, was arranged by his brother Gururajacharya.
The Shastras say that for one who has control of his senses, wedded life does not hamper learning. For Venkatanatha, most of his learning occurred after marrying Saraswati, through the blessings of Goddess Saraswati.
So Venkatanatha went to Kumbhakonam, the seat of learning at the time. There, he studied under Sri Sudeendra teertha.He used to stay awake past midnight to write his own comments and notes on the lessons that had been done. Once, he engaged in a debate and defeated a mAyAvAdi at Rajamannar temple.
Though his victory was not unexpected Sri Sudheendra tirtha was surprised at his scholarship in grammar, profound knowledge and rare debating skill, and called him “Mahabhashya Venkatanathacharya”
Similarly he explained the significance of taptamudra dhAraNa quoting several smR^iti-s that the opponents had to accept his arguements were irrefutable. He had a son, Lakshminarayana. Although he and his family were in stark poverty, he was unaffected by it, being immersed in the sweet nectar of the Madhva philosophy.
Not even once did he give up his teachings and learning; he was steadfast in his determination to live by whatever came to him unsought and unasked. Still, when his master asked him to take sanyAsA, he found himself in a grave dilemma. For one thing, he knew that if he took sanyAsA, he would eventually have to take control of the maTha.
While trying to find a solution to this problem, Vidya Lakshmi herself appeared before him. She told him that if such great people like himself did not spread the right philosophy, that of Sri Madhvacharya, the maTha-s would fall into ruin. The light of Tattvavada would be extinguished by the darkness of Mayavada.
Understanding where his true duty lay, Venkatanatha obeyed Vidya Lakshmi and took sanyAsA. Sri Sudheendra teertha initiated Venkatanatha on the second day of the bright half of PAlguNa mAsa in the year durmati corresponding to the year 1621.He was given the holy name “Raghavendra Teertha”.
Wife becomes ghost, obtains liberation:
The Sanyasa ordination was arranged to take place on the second day of the bright half of PAlguNa mAsa in the year durmati corresponding to the year 1621. The spot chosen was Tanjore, in order to avoid hurting the feelings of VenkaTanAtha’s young wife Saraswati.
Finally, the grand day when VenkaTanAtha would relinquish his life as a householder and become a sanyAsi arrived. Saraswathi was required to stay home. However, at the last minute she was seized by a desire to see her husband’s face for the last time before he became totally inaccessible to her.
With this feeling, she ran towards the maTha throwing caution to the winds. Unfortunately, she did not see an old and unused well on the way, and fell into it. She died instantly, but because her death was an untimely one, she became a ghost. Even as a ghost, her only desire was to see her husband and so she went to the maTha.
By the time she arrived, the function was over and venkaTanAtha had become a sanyAsi with the AshramanAma of rAghavEndra teertha, the only solace for the downtrodden, the last resort for those without hope, the only court where every petitioner is guaranteed to get a patient and understanding hearing, the ocean of mercy that will never deny a deserving plea for help.
With his divine perception, rAyaru sensed saraswati’s presence, even though she was a ghost not visible to human eyes. His heart full of mercy, he sprinkled water from his kamanDala on her. The power of his penance was such that she was immediately granted moksha or liberation from the cycle of births and deaths. This was her reward for a lifetime of dedicated and selfless service to a noble soul.
Ascension as peeThAdhipati (throne of Asecitic)
Around 1623 Sri sudhIndra tIrtha shed his mortal coils at AnEgondi. His brindavan was consecrated there and rAyaru became the Head of the maTha. Yadavendra, a senior disciple of sudheendra teertha disputed this, but his claims were set aside by the Ruler of Tanjore, in favor of rAyaru.
RAyaru started his services by teaching all the works of shreemadAchArya to his disciples. He propagated right knowledge and vanquished several opponents. Apart from imparting knowledge and guiding his disciples,he composed works for the benefit of future generations
Pilgrimages of Sri RAyaru
Sri Raghavendra Tiirta started his services by teaching all the works of Srimadacharya to his disciples. He propagated right knowledge and vanquished several opponents. Apart from imparting knowledge and guiding his disciples,he composed works for the benefit of future generations
Soon after becoming the peeThAdipati, he began a series of piligrimages that took him to several places. After visiting Dyupuri and Paripurnadevanagara( Paripurnadevanagara in Sanskrit means “place where God, who is complete in every way, resides”).
At Manishrunga, he taught works such as pramaaNa paddhati and realized that it would benefit the public, if sub-commentaries were written on these major works, to make it easier to understand them. So it was here, that Raghavendra Swami wrote glosses on pramANa paddhati, vaadaavaLi, pramaaNa lakshaNa and many other works, many of which are known as bhAva dIpas.
He visited Rameshvaram and Madurai. Madurai was the seat of learning in those days, and one of the experts there was Neelakanta Dikshit. After seeing the lucid yet powerful style with which Raghavendra Swami debated, he was convinced that Raghavendra Swami’s master was really pUrNaprajna.
When Neelakanta tried testing Raghavendra Swami on various sutras, Raghavendra Swami showed him the work he had just finished-Bhatta Sangraha. Neelakanta was so thrilled by the depth of this work and how well it propounded Sri Madhvacharya’s philosophy, that he had it placed on an elephant and taken on a ceremonial procession.
At Srirangam, he gave extensive discourses on upanishads especially the Ishaavaasya upanishad. His disciples requested him to write a book, explaining the meanings of all the mantras, as well as their commentaries and glosses, of all the Upanishads.
He wrote glosses on the Ishaavaasya, thalavakaara, kaataka, ShaTpraShNa, mundaka, maanDukya, taittarIya, bR^ihadAruNyaka, and chanDogya Upanishads. He was about to write one for the aitareya, as well, but he wanted to give the honor to his disciple, Smrutimuktavali Krishnacharya, who had already completed the work.
Raghavendra Swami wanted to keep his oath of writing a gloss on all the Upanishads, so he wrote a gloss on only the mantra part of the Upanishad-aitareya mantraartha sangraha
He visited Vishnumangala,where Trivikrama Panditacharya had debated Madhvacharya for fifteen days,and finally had become an ardent worshipper of Madhvacharya. Sri Raghavendra,then visited Subramanya and then Udupi,where he started giving discourse on Sarvamoola Granthas.
He wrote a gloss for the Vyasaraya Tattparya Chandrika, called Chandrika Prakasha. Seeing his students struggle to understand this tough text, he wrote the meanings of the Sutras, called Tantradipika and the meanings of adhikAranas, known as Nyayamukthavali. At Udupi, he sang his famous “Indu Enage Govinda” song upon seeing Udupi Sri Krishna.
At Bidarahalli he met Srinivasacharya who was a unique householder. The glosses that he had written were already well known. Sri Raghavendra examined his works and was filled with admiration for Srinivasacharya, who, though being a householder,dedicated himself completely to the spreading of knowledge and learning. Raghavendra Swami bestowed upon him the name Srinivasa Tirtha, as a mark of his high learning.
After leaving Bidarahalli, he went to Pandarapur, Kohlapur, & Bijapur defeating Mayavadins, spreading Tattvavada philosophy, and giving Taptamudhradaran, thus initiating them into Vaishnavism. While residing on the banks of river Krishna, he wrote a tippani for Tattva Prakashika called Bhavadipa. He wrote a direct commentary on Anubhashya, called Tattva Manjari
At Malkhed he celebrated the Suddha Mangala of his teachings and discourses. Malkhed is situated on the Kagini River and is the place of Sri Jayatirtha’s Brindavan. Raghavendra Swami explained that, just the way Kagini River joins Bheema river, then Krishna River, and finally the ocean, Sri Jayathirtha’s work explains Bhashya of Sri Madhvacharya, who in turn tells us of Lord Krishna, who is an ocean of auspicious qualities.
Raghavendra Swami undertook extensive tours, under so many odds, visiting Tirupati, Srishailam, Kumbakonam, and Kanchi. He neither stopped teaching his devotees nor did he stop writing books. He took a vow to write Tippanis for all the Teekas of Sri Jayateertha.
When he had completed tippanis for 17 of the 18 Teekas of Sri Jayateertha, Lakshminarayanacharya, his son, shows him his work on Rig Bhashya, written along Raghavendra Swami’s line of teaching. This great saint felt that his disciple’s teaching should be shown to the rest of the world, so instead of writing a Tippani, he wrote a Rigartha Manjari, a vivritti, which gives the meaning of the first 40 suktas.
He wrote Mantroddhara, which gives details of all mantras according to Tantrasara.. By understanding the mantras according to Tantrasara, it is possible to perform many impossible tasks, through the grace of Sri Hari, by leading an austere life.
During his pilgrimages, Raghavendra Swami not only covered a vast area geographically in the days when road conditions were poor and travel was arduous, but also wrote several works covering a vast area of the Tattvavada philosophy.
He convincingly defeated many Advaitin pandits, through the grace of bhArati ramaNa mukhyaprANAntargata sree laxmeenArAyaNa.
Power to revive the dead
On a hot summer day, rAyaru was on his way home from a pilgrimage. He decided to rest in the shade of a tree at Krishnapuram (near Hubli). While there, he saw the Nawab (Muslim king) of the are walking towards him, with a sad demeanor.
The Nawab had heard of his miracles and had come to him as a last resort. He stated that his young son had died from a poisonous snakebite and been buried in a tomb close by. After hearing this, rAyaru contemplated silently for a few moments and then asked the king to take the body out of the tomb.
When the puzzled Nawab did as he was asked, rAyaru sprinkled holy water from his kamanDala and prayed to his ArAdhya mUrthy (favorite form of the Lord). Lo behold, the young boy woke up as though he was getting up from sleep. The Nawab was beside himself with joy.
Note: There are some very important points to note in this episode. Our shAstras talk about the concept of “Ayushya”, defined as the total amount of time that a being is allowed to live on earth, in a particular body. Any death that happens before this time is untimely and is called “apamRutyu”. Our shAstras say that once “Ayushya” is over death cannot be prevented, since that is Divine Will.
However, “apamRutyu” is a different aspect altogether. Life-histories of oursaints and other great souls are replete with instances where they warded off untimely death in deserving cases. In this case, since the child had suffered apamRutyu, rAyaru used his divine powers to revive it.
He did a similar thing in another instance. He was visiting the house of a village chieftain (called Desai). Hundreds of people had assembled for the occasion. As part of the food served to the guests, seekaraNe (a thick form of mango juice) was being prepared in a huge vessel.
Unfortunately, when nobody was watching him, the Desai’s son fell into this vessel and drowned. When the Desai and his wife came to know about it, they were totally devastated. However, they wanted to hide the news because they did not want to inconvenience everybody who had assembled there.
Being an aparOksha jnyani, RAyaru sensed the tragedy and asked the grief stricken couple to bring the dead boy before him. When this was done, he sprinkled water from his kamanDala and revived the boy. The joy of the ecstatic parents knew no bounds.
Those who came to humiliate end up been humiliated
There were some evil people who were jealous of the greatness of rAyaru and were always looking for opportunities to humiliate him. When some of them heard of the above incidents, they conspired to come up with a plan to humble rAyaru.
They chose a location that was very close to rAyaru’s location that day and asked a person to pretend to be dead. They covered his face and sat by his side wailing as if he was really dead. When rAyaru passed by, some of them approached him and entreated him to revive this “dead” man.
RAyaru looked at the body and said “I cannot revive him since his Ayushya is over”. This was what the evil persons wanted to hear. They immediately started condemning him and trumpeted to the world at large “Look at this charltan.
He does not know the difference between a living and a dead person. Our friend is pretending to be dead. He is now going to get up and denounce this fraud”. Nothing happened. Then they tried to wake him up, thinking that he was asleep.
None of their efforts were successful as the person was truly dead! They realized their mistake and begged rAyaru to revive the person, but he pleaded his helplessness since the person’s Ayushya was really over. The men who came to humble rAyaru were themselves humbled and his greatness became even more enhanced.
A point to note is that rAyaru did not curse the man to die or punish the evildoers. It was again Divine will that the conspirators chose a person whose Ayushya was really over and the timing was perfect to humiliate them. The Lord well and truly protects His beloved devotees.
Three forecasts for the one who took three avatAra
Three famous astrologers, known for their ability to predict the future with unerring accuracy, once came to cast the horoscope of rAyaru. They did it separately and came with 3 totally startingly different numbers – 100, 300 and 700!
Each was positive about his calculation, but could not explain the difference. When rAyaru heard about this, he laughed and said “They are predicting 3 different entities. One is predicting the lifespan of my body, another my tenure in the brindAvana and the third the influence of my granthAs (literary works).
Personality that influences even inanimate objects
Once some famous scholars came to meet with rAyaru. One the way they got lost and wanted to ask for directions. They noticed a washerman walking with his load on his head, but before asking him a question, they debated amongst themselves in Sanskrit if it was worthwhile asking somebody who looked like an ignoramus.
Imagine their surprise, when the washerman interrupted their discussion by saying in chaste sanskrit “If all that you want to know is directions to meet rAyaru then I should be able to help you”.
He then gave directions in chaste sanskrit to the embrassed scholars, and proceeded on his way. The scholars rested for a while and then proceeded to the river for their afternoon sandhya. They saw the washerman sitting on the bank.
They politely asked him in sanskrit if it was okay to perform sandhyAvandana there. He gave them a blank look and told them rather crudely in the local language “Look, if you want to speak with me, then use a language I can understand”.
Even from his tone and grammar it was obvious that he was an illiterate with little or no command over any language. The scholars were surprised since he had spoken to them in Sanskrit a few moments ago! They dismissed him as a madman and proceeded with their task.
The washerman left with his load and started walking back slowly. After a while, the scholars passed him again on the road. This time, he politely asked them in chaste sanskrit if they had had any difficulty in locating the road and if they needed any help. The scholars were totally baffled and practically ran away from there.
When they reached the maTha, they spoke to a knowledgeable person and explained the curious phenomenon they had observed. The person laughed and said “Did the washerman have his load on his head when he spoke to you?” When the scholars nodded in reply, he continued “It was not the washerman talking to you. It was the clothes.
He was carrying the clothes that our rAyaru had discarded. As long as he had the load on his head, he was a totally different person. Once the load was discarded he became his normal self”. Such was the power of rAyaru’s personality that even the clothes that he had discarded carried mystical powers.
Village bumpkin becomes prime minister!
Venkanna was a brahmin boy in a small village under the sovereignty of the Nawab of Adoni. Due to family problems, he was not tutored or taught any useful skills. He was assigned to the task of tending the family’s herd of cows, and thus used to spend his entire days in the countryside watching over the cows.
He had heard of the greatness of rAyaru and was eager to meet him and seek his blessings. His prayers were heard because one day the retinue of rAyaru passed close by. He immediately ran to the palanquin that rAyaru was travelling in and prostrated before it.
RAyaru looked at him and inquired about his antecedents. Venkanna explained his plight and stood with outstretched palms. RAyaru took pity on the boy and gave him some (mantrAkshate) consecrated rice and told him “When you are in real distress and need my help, put this on your head and think of me”. The palanquin moved on. Venkanna tied the precious rice into a bundle and always carried it with him.
One day, Venkanna was relaxing under the shade of a tree when he saw a noble man get down from a horse and rest under the shade of another tree close by. Curious, he watched him closely and immediately realized that the noble man was none other than the Nawab himself!
Even as this realization dawned on him, he saw another man on horseback approaching the Nawab. The new person got down from the horse, prostrated in front of the Nawab and handed him a written scroll. Now, both the Nawab and the rider were illiterate and needed somebody to help them.
When the Nawab looked around, he saw Venkanna. He also saw Venkanna’s tuft and his sacred thread and concluded that this was a brahmin. Since brahmins are usually literate, he felt that his problem was solved.
He beckoned Venkanna and handing him the scroll, commanded him to read. Poor Venkanna was in a dilemma since he was also illiterate. He could not refuse a direct order of the Nawab since that would mean immediate death, nor could he tell the truth that he was illiterate because the Nawab would not believe him and would think that Venkanna was trying fool him.
Caught in this deadly trap, he suddenly remembered the kind guru who had promised to help him in his hour of need. He took the consecrated rice and put it on his head. With this mind full of devotion towards rAyaru and his lips secretly muttering “rAghavEndra, rAghavEndra”, he boldly opened the scroll.
Lo behold, the characters on the scroll began to make sense and he could read! It was actually a piece of good news, informing the Nawab that his wife had delivered a baby boy, thus making him a father, something that he was passionately yearning for.
When he heard the news, he was overjoyed and immediately took out a pearl necklace from his neck and gave it to Venkanna. However, rAyaru sitting in Venkanna’s mind did not allow him to be satisfied with this.
He boldly prostrated before the Nawab and told him “If your Highness is really happy with me, then please give me a good job in your administration. I will serve you faithfully and honestly to the best of my ability”.
The Nawab was pleased with this answer and accordingly gave him a good job. Through hard work and diligence, Venkanna worked his way up the ranks and in a short time became the Nawab’s trusted divan. Thus a chance encounter with rAyaru transformed Venkanna’s entire life into a bed of roses!
Nawab tests rAyaru and loses
Once rAyaru visited Adoni and accepted Venkanna’s invitation to stay with him. Venkanna waxed eloquent about rAyaru’s prowess to his Nawab and forced him to visit rAyaru to pay his respects. Now the Nawab was skeptical about rAyaru and did not accept any authority other than Allah and his devotees.
He wanted to expose rAyaru and score a point on Venkanna. He secretly ordered for three silver plates, full of meat, but totally covered with silken cloth to be prepared. He took this with him and accompanied Venkanna to the pUja. Along with the offering brought by Venkanna, he also offered his covered plates as naivedya for rAma dEvaru.
RAyaru saw through his guile and sprinkled water from his kamanDala on the plates. Later, he ordered the clothes to be removed. The Nawab was waiting for this moment with bated breath. He was licking his lips in anticipation of unmasking this brahmin swAmiji.
When the clothes were removed, they revealed 3 plates full of fresh fruits and flowers! The Nawab was astounded and instantly realized the greatness of rAyaru, and the great sin he had committed by testing this man of god. He immediately prostrated before rAyaru and with tears in his eyes begged his forgiveness.
The kind and ever merciful rAyaru forgave him gladly. However, the Nawab was not satisfied, he begged rAyaru to accept some offering from him. rAyaru initially refused saying that he was a sanyAsi who had no desire for worldly things, but the Nawab kept on begging him, so finally he had to agree.
He asked for the Nawab to give him the village of manchAle on the banks of the tungabhadra. The Nawab was surprised since that was barren land, yielding no crops or revenue. He tried to talk rAyaru into accepting more fertile land, but rAyaru would not accept anything other than manchAle. The Nawab immediately gifted that village to rAyaru.
Two – two – two to enter brindAvana
RAyaru summoned his closest disciples and divan Venkanna and told them of his intention to enter a brindAvana live. The devotees were devastated but they could not change his decision since it was Divine will. They wanted to know when he would do so, but he told them that they would find out at the appropriate time.
One day, rAyaru was sitting outside under a tree, conducting a shAstra pATha for this disciples. He suddenly stood up, looked up at the sky and folded his hands in reverence. His disciples were surprised by this, but they also stood up and did exactly as he was doing.
Within a moment, a fragrant tulsi garland fell around rAyaru’s neck. When they pressed him for an explanation, he told them “I just saw Krishna Dvaipayana(Lord Vedavyasa) going in a heavenly chariot to vaikunTha. I asked him when my turn would come and he held up his Index and middle finger three times. He finally blessed me by throwing this mAla on me”.
The disciples were greatly intrigued by this and wanted to know the significance of this two-two-two. Rayaru smiled and told them “It means that I have 2 years, 2 months and 2 days left before entering the brindAvana!” The disciples calculated the date and concluded that it would be Virodhikruth Samvatsara, Shravana krishna paksha dwitiya (second day in the dark half of the moon, in the Hindu year Virodhikruth).
RAyaru selects manchaale for his brindAvana
RAyaru summoned his closest disciples and announced his choice of manchAle as the spot for his brindAvana live in mantrAlaya. They wanted to know what was special about that spot. RAyaru explained the spiritual significance of manchAle as follows:
In one of his earlier incarnation, rAyaru as prahlAda had performed a large yagna in that spot, sanctifying it forever. When arjuna was on his victorious journey in connection with the rAjasUya yAga being conducted by dharmarAja he fought with a local king at this spot. Since the king’s chariot was positioned over that spot, he was invincible.
In panic, Arjuna prayed to Krishna for guidance. Krishna appeared before him and told him to move his chariot a little backwards. The local king also foolishly moved his chariot forward and lost the battle immediately. Such was the power of the spot on which prahlAda had performed his yAga.
Venkanna had a beautiful brindAvana be built for rAyaru. But rAyaru did not want to use that and asked him to reserve it for a future personality. He then took Venkanna to a remote spot and showed a black rock. He wanted his brindAvana to be built using the rock.
When venkanna wanted to know what was special about that rock, rAyaru explained “While searching for sIta, Lord rama came here. He rested on this rock for a while. Since it has been sanctified by His touch, this rock is the one I want”. The brindAvana built under Venkanna’s guidance was used for shrI vAdIndara tIrtha at a later date.
Visits manchaalamma and obtains permission
Before entering the brindAvana in manchAle, RAyaru decided to seek the persmission of manchAlamma, the presiding deity of manchAle. Accordingly, he went to her temple and prayed to her. She immediately appeared before him in person and encouraged him to ask her for a boon. RAyaru stated his desire.
The dEvi replied “Once your brindAvana is established here, millions will visit manchAle to seek your blessings. I will be totally forgotten and nobody will associate this place with me! My temple will fall destitute without anybody to care for it”.
Rayaru replied “I will not let this happen. Here is my promise. If my devotees visit my brindAvana directly, without going to your temple first, then I will not help them. So, if they need my grace, they have to visit your temple first”. When manchAlamma heard this, she was pleased and immediately granted him permission to enter the brindAvAna in manchAle.
ShrAvana bahuLa bidige
On the day chosen (Virodhikruth Samvatsara Shravana krishna paksha dwitiya – 1671 A.D.), thousands of people had congregated in manchAle to see this rare event of a person entering a brindAvana alive. It had been done before only once – by vAdirAja tIrtha.
As usual, rAyaru got up before dawn, meditating on ShrI Hari and finished his bath during the early hours itself. After his japa and dhyana he gave a discourse on ShrImadAchArya’s works to his fortunate disciples for the last time. His disciples were grief stricken at the thought that this was going to be their master’s last discourse.
The master was filled with an overwhelming desire to teach as much as possible and the disciples were anxious and eager to absorb everything. The subject matter was as usual ShrImadAchArya’s Bhashya and ShrI JayatIrtha’s commentary for it.
That day’s discourse was the culmination of his life’s mission. For the thousands that had gathered there the realisation that they would not see such a treasure house of knowledge hereafter filled them with pain and agony. The discourse came to an end.
After bathing once again he started the puja of ShrI Rama and other icons of the samsthan. After going through all the details of the puja he blessed the entire gathering with tIrtha, prasad and phalamantrakshata.
As the appointed time was nearing he went to the spot that was already chosen and sat in padmAsana. He had his japa mala in his right hand and in front of him were all the moola granthas, sarva moola, tikas and tippanis on the vyasa peetha. For a while he was lost in contemplation; then he started his soul-stirring speech.
RAyaru enters brindAvana
RAyaru then took up his veena and started to sing in Bhairavi raaga the famous song,”Indu Enege Govinda” where he extols the Lord as His only Saviour and that he should be pardoned for having led an irreligious life without singing his glories. He ends the song with His mudrika “Dheera Venugopaala Bhaara Kaaniso Hariye”. Just as in His previous avatAra as VyAsaraja in this avatara also the blue darling of brindAvan in the form of an icon danced to the melodious of his darling who was going to enter the brindAvan.
After this rAyaru began reciting the pranava mantra. In a very short time he was lost in meditation. He reached the highest point in meditation. His face was serene. He was shining with a rare brilliance.
At one stage the japamala in the master’s hand became still. Venkanna and other disciples who understood this sign started arranging the slabs around him. They arranged the slabs upto his head and then as per his earlier instructions they placed a copper box containing one thousand two hundred LakshmeenArAyaNa shaligramas that had been specially brought from Gandaki river.
Then they placed the covering slab over it and filled it with earth. They poured twelve thousand varahas (abhisheka) over the brindavan that they had built. A grand feast was hosted to commemorate this glorious event.
Pls check this link if you want to know the details of the last speech of Rayaru
hare shrinivasa
My humbe pranams at the lotus feet of raghavendra swamy!
Rayaru, please give me death immediately! You know what all has happened in my life and you know how much i am suffering! Last 2 years was unbearable and what happened 3 months ago was the final blow for me. Rayaru, i know i have made msitakes and you know how much i was crying for those mistakes, giving me punishment myself. At the same time i was helpless also. But i was punished very severely and even today i am punished. You know how i cried yesterday and now what is my condition. rayaru, i want atleast last 2 years undone and please give me back everything or please kindly give me death! There is no way i can accept what all happened! Rayaru, please understand a woman’s heart and i beg you to answer my prayers immediately! Please forgive me for any mistakes!
This is my reply to Ms Meera. Meera, although i donot know your problems, even i have had (and still having) quite severe problems in life. Life had just been unbearable and i was on the verge of becoming a nervous wreck. I have prayed, begged and even ‘fought and abused’ Sri Raghavendra swamy. But remember, He very patiently and intently listens to our prayers. It might appear as though he is just a mute spectator doing nothing, but we may never know how much of our difficulties has he borne on himself (which every Guru does for his/her desciple), but for which our life would be much more painful and miserable. So have patience and faith. Gurugalu will bless you.
Please think that Sri Raghavendra had directed me to approach you,You can tell all ur problems to me, so that i will try my best to help u out, I have 2 years old daughter, Even Sri Raghavendra swamy gifted me with some problems to evaluate me, But we should pray god for us to get success & make others to get success but who are needy
Dear Meera,
This is also another women, with precisely the same problems as you three years ago. I went to him in Mantralaya and cried. He knows me and my mistakes and still cradles me in his arms and treats me like a child.
because of this, I have turned into a person who does not care about anything including my Job. I always think of him, and now all my issues are gone. He has resolved it all and made my life smooth.
He took away everything that was hurting me. I am happy and safe now. Dont worry, he knows what he is doing.
Just handover your issues and take it easy. Visit him and do his seva.. Nothing like it.
He is an enormously beautiful father and a mirror image of Lord Hari in his love and kindness. Just relax.
Only one thing I would like to mention”Life is full of Happy and sorrow”…..
Every Problem has a solution ….finding solution for a problem along with determination is the part of life….No body knows the future as we are humans.
Believe firm…Never ask such things like “death or something…meaningless”.
Keep 100% Confidence in Rayaru…Definitely You are going to get every thing and every good things will definitely happen…This is my 100% assurance.
Try your self to find solutions for any of your problems.
As it is said in Raghavendra Strotra ,”The person who chants will get every thing like Good wealth, health,life, education and every thing”.
Keep 100% confidence…I will assure you that 100% grace will come to you from Udupi sri Krishna ,Sriman Madhwaacharyaru and Rayaru…..100%…
Iam the best Example.
Please help me i am left alone in between the mid sea in sorrow suffering like anything…i will come to mantharlayam again .Please Help me before i become mad …with this problems..Rayare come to me… i completely depressed..my responsibilties are not allowing me to die also … ……………..Help Me……Om sri raghvendraya namaha…
Please help me i am left alone in between the mid sea in sorrow suffering like anything…i will come to mantharlayam again .Please Help me before i become mad …with this problems..Rayare come to me… i completely depressed..my responsibilties are not allowing me to die also … ……………..Help Me……Om sri raghvendraya namaha…Please give me back in mY life…please please
This is for ANU….
Please understand, Life is not a bed of Roses.Have a look at the society,many are there like us who are suffering from one or the other.Some will meet with accidents,
death,NO education,family problems, health problems and so on.
I remember here”EESa BEKU EDDU JAISA BEKA” as dasaru said.
Never be loser.Try hard to become a successful man…
and wait till good time comes….and never compare others with you…
Most of us will do the mistakes of comparing us with others and get depressed…
never ever do that…Do accept “what may come”….
Finally, I conclude by suggesting u that please share your problems with a good friend and find solution for your problem immedietely…..and believe SRI KRISHNA AT UDUPI ,SRIMAN MADHWACHARYARU AND RAYARU..THEY Will definitely get the bless from them and all ur problems will be solved soon…and even I ask for the soon
overcome…..still if u are not satisfied, go to some acharyaru and do NAVAGRAHA POOJA or any of such …….
Ramu thanks for your reply.i am not expecting life to be bed of roses or i am not expecting any luxury . I cant explain to any1 such problem i am facing such bad thing i passed thru in my life .but still i have hope on gurgalu and waiting for his answer. A ray of hope i have , how or when it will be solved, i dont know that he only knows . I trust in him recently i visited udupi also, i trust in him watever is going to let it happen. I am remaining quiet except praying nothing i can do.So i am doing pooja viisting his mutt daily.
I have been going through a crisis for almost a year now. I have waited long enough to get some mercy from Rayaru. sometimes life is very frustrating. But then there is alway a hope in the form of Rayaru. Rayaru, please look at me with your graceful eyes. please begin to show good days in my life. Kindly show me a path as how to go about.
om Shree Raghavendraya Namaha. ………. D K Sundaram from bangalore
Gururaya pls give me death which will send me to hell and yamaraja will punish me for my sins…. i cant think of something happening this month to my wife considering my situation………. i trust your blessings as usaul… either bless me with ur prasada or bless me with death…… would be so gratefule to you namma appa!!!!!!!!
ninna charanava aashryisi baluvenu
i’m 19yrs christian . feeling worthless. no qualification. no beauty, no love . no money . parents now don’t like me much. really i feel to jump to the sea. If hindu god helps me 2 change my life , IT WILL BE GREAT
I think you are passing through bad times. Only God can make your life tolerable and happier.
There is nothing like Hindu God, Christian God and Muslim God. According to the sanaatana dharma or hindu religion God is only One. He is the independent reality, and all others are dependent on Him. God is the ocean of all qualities and excellence. All the names of God are only epithets. Any name is good enough to invoke Him. All names designate only God. Not only Vedic words or Sanskrit words, any word in any language designate Him only. There is no word or sound in the world which is not essentially a name of God.
Surrender to that Supreme God and your problems will get solved.
The posts above makes me worried. I see only people speaking out their problems and no body appreciates the god for what they have got. I believe no live being on this planet is without problems. Trust in yourself you have the answers for every thing don’t get depressed, please do not feel you are ignorant. The god is in you trust me you know the solution for your problems..
Dear Raghavendra,
I have been told by all your devoted bakhtas that my daughter is a blessed child. She has completed her Engineering (Electronics & Communication) with Distinction throughout with 72%. Though she is from the 2012 batch, she is yet to get a job-offer. She has always been a devotee of RAyaru always. Unfortunately, her college did not have campus placements, being new college. All her friends from other colleges with low marks could get offers because of campus placements. Let somebody enlighten the HR department of the companies to look beyond campus placement and encourage candidates with good grades through off-campus placement.
I would request all devotees of Rayaru to pray on behalf of my daughter. – D K Sundaram
Thanks Rayaru, My daughter, after a long wait, because of your blessings, has got placed in a good and reputed company
After a long struggle in life I have come up in life only by grace of Rayaru. Even Im blessed to have a baby girl of rayara prasada.
One thing is very true without job I can’t survive. Yes had worked 11 years in reputed company I have decided to leave job and come to Oman [Muscat] for better job since I have no father nor brother and sole responsible on my mother I need to take care.
But unfortunately here at Oman for Indian women working visa has stopped Im not in position to come back.vEvery day while I see Rayaru I have only one request some how by miracle give me a job.
So far Im really wondering why my cry is not reached him ??
Any body can help me :
Namaskara, I am reading people’s comments here where they are mentioning about life problems and struggles. I am laughing reading these comments. Pls read my entire post and then you will understand why.
I reside in United Kingdom and a white colleague next to me appeared very sad. I talked to him and he said its been 2 years since he and his wife took a foreign vacation due to their child being only 1 year 4 months old. This is causing stress because they have not had a break for 2 years. Listening to this, what would be your reaction? I could not believe these guys are classifying this as a life problem. This also means it is only the individual who decides how much importance to give to a problem and be saddened. This is Jiva Swabhava.
Now, pls re-evaluate your respective problems. If it is said that ‘Even a blade of grass cannot move without Hari sankalpa’ this also means your problems exist only because of His sankalpa. The most pain causing event to a person is Death of a person/animal who is very close to you. Even this is not an issue, because the soul either passes from one body to another body or gets Moksha as per Hari sankalpa. Now tell me, where is the problem?
“Sri Raghavendra Swami was born in 1595 in Kaveripattana, Tamil Nadu” as said in the article.
Just a small correction:
Shri Raghavendra Swami was born in Bhuvanagiri village in Tamilnadu