Family names history of Shivalli Brahmin Community

Shivalli brahmins are those Brahmins who settled in Southern Tulunadu, after migrating from northern  Ahichchatra.  They are called so because they had settled first  at Shivalli – a village near Udupi.  According the history of Kadambas, it is found that Mayuravarma, the founder of the Kadamba dynasty had brought these Brahmins from Ahichchatra. But according to another belief, it is believed that Parashurama, himself had invited them to Tulunadu.  Any how, the regional relationship between Shivalli Brahmins and those 32 villages can not be negated.

The family houses of Shivalli Brahmins had a direct bearing on these 32 villages.  Family names of shivalli Brahmins itself is a fantastic story.  The shivalli Brahmins community which lived in a compact geographical area measuring 100 k.m. width and 120 k.m. length, had more than 500 family names to it’s credit – is nothing but amazing.  Perhaps, a small community like this may not have such a diversified order of family houses in the whole world.  Most of the family names have direct relationship with their respective names of their geographical location.

Many families have been lost over the past ages. Still their name has been registered in the  documentary sources.

Classification of family names :

The logic behind naming a particular family can be attributed to the following factors.

a) Names derived from a particular place or village :

Naming a family on the basis of a particular place or village was it practice during 7th century.  For eg. Pulakeshi II, in one of his deedletters had recorded, “vasistaya gotraya taittiriyaaya tagaradivasine chaturveda yombarakheda kulanamadeyaya jyeshta sharmane .. .. ..”.  Here we can see that the family name has been derived from the name of a place. (Ep. Indica,Vol. iv page 73 , 74)  Hence it was a common practice to identify/ address a person according to on place to which he belonged.

For e.g. Alevuraya, Putturaya, Baipadittaya etc.

Identifying the relatives residing at distant places can be seen under the same method now a days also.  E.g. the Madras uncle, Bangalore  Aunty, etc.

Alevuraya      – [Hails from Alevur]
Iruvamturaya   – [Hails from Iruvamtur]
Kubanuraya     – [Hails from Kubanur]
Nalluraya      – [Hails from Nallur]
Madavuruttaya  – [Hails from Madavuru]

Mayyuruttaya   – [Hails from Mayyuru]

Paturaya       – [Hails from Patur]

Shibaruttaya   – [Hails from Shiruru]  etc.

b) Family names are attached on the basis of Direction and layout :

Under this method the direction and layout of the residence of the dweller is taken as identification for this family.

Tenkillaya              [Tenku = Southern , Illaya =  has house i.e. who has house at the southern side.]
Paddillaya              [Padu = Eastern, Illaya = has house i.e. who has house at the eastern side.]
Sittillaya              [Sitt = down, Illaya = has house i.e. who has house at the down layers.]
Mittillaya               [Mitt = upper, Illaya = has house i.e. who has house at the upper layers.]
Kedilaya                [Kedu = pond Illaya = has house i.e. who has house at the water tank  side.]
Kukkillaya             [Who has house at mountain]    Etc.

c) Family names derived from the features of the landscape or uniqueness of  the place :

Vailaya                [one who hails from plain land]
Polnaya                [One who hails from sandy land]
Majilaya               [One who hails from less irrigated land]
Kudurettaya         [One who hails from island]
Makkittaya           [One who hails from barren land]

d) Family names derived from plants and trees :
Nellittaya               [One who dwells near tamarind tree]

e) Family names derived from Profession :

Adiga                 [Priest]
Poojettaya            [Priest]
Acharya               [Teacher]

f)Others :

Some family names cannot be classified on the basis of aforesaid methods.  They seem rather special

E.g :
Netrattaya    –    [Leader, Netara]
Arimettaya    –    [Knowledgeable  person]
Oppantaya     –    [Methodist]

69 thoughts on “Family names history of Shivalli Brahmin Community

  1. Sir

    Kindly let me know the meaning of my surname VAKKINAYA.
    My family hails from HAVANJE Village of UDUPI Taluk.
    I am from Shivalli brahmins Community & Vishwamithra gothra.
    Some body told me that Vakkinaya derived from Okkannaya means Single Eye.
    Is it true? Please clarify.

    Havanje Ramesh Vakkinaya

  2. hi, my surname is Adiga and my gothra is bhartwaja but i am not finidng this gothra in the list . i wanted to know my pravara also, our kula devaru is neelavara mahishamardhini temple.

  3. Hi Rajarama Nalluraya,
    Your family name nalluraya is not of the village of Nellur in A.P But it is the village called Nallur near Karkala.Your ancestors might have migrated from the village of Nallur of Karkala.

  4. I want information about sringeri moolada
    Shivalli brahmins
    My gotra is vishwamitra
    Vishwamitra devratha oudala

  5. Is there any information about Elachitaya surname
    We are shivalli brahmins, Kashyapa gotra.

  6. I want few more details to my below family tree.
    We are taali family. Angirasa gotra, Vishnu temple, kaniyur matta.
    Can someone pls confirm the above is right for Taali santhana.

  7. ಶ್ರೀಕೃಷ್ಣ ಅಗ್ಗಿತ್ತಾಯ, ಭಾರ್ಗವ ಗೊತ್ರದವರ ಕುಲ ದೇವರು ಯಾರು ಎಂಬುದನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಸುವಿರಾ…..

  8. Which surname is corrrect Acharya or Achar?? I belong to Shivalli Madhwa Brahmins family, udipi

  9. Acharya sir names will be in madhawas of uttaradi mutt and also in North Karnataka brahmins Eg. Ashwath Acharya Kulkarni. Sridhar Acharya Inamdar. There is nothing special in the surnames of so called Acharyas

  10. I wanted to know the family details of Shivalli Brahmin Trishileswara Bhoja Rao Son of Subba Rao, cloth merchant,car street mangalore who died on 10th July 1968. I think his wife is Seethama and I want to get in touch with any of their legal heirs. Bhoja Rao had 2 brothers Madhava and Venkata

  11. Nanna hesaru udaya Shankar Kedlaya , nanna prashane, Kedlaya kutumba Kula devi yaru

  12. Sir
    Kindly let me know the details/ meaning
    Of putraya & putturaya. We are Angirasa gotra & from yellur , udupi.

  13. Sir
    Kindly let me know the details/ meaning
    Of putraya & putturaya. We are Angirasa gotra & from yellur , udupi. Our kuladevaru
    is puttur sri Durgaparameswari udupi.Also please confirm pravara for putraya ‘s.

  14. ಗೌರವಾನ್ವಿತ ಸರ್,

    ದಯಮಾಡಿ ನನಗೆ ಕೇಕುನ್ನಯ ಅರ್ಥವನ್ನು ತಿಳಿಸು.


    prasanna k

  15. ಆಂಗೀರಸ ಗೋತ್ರದ ಕೇಕುನ್ನಯ
    ಮೂಲ ಮತ್ತು ಕುಲದೇವತೆ ದಯವಿಟ್ಟು

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