Tulu Language:
Tulu is a language spoken in the area situated on the West Coast extending from the northern part of the undivided Dakshina Kannada district (now this part belongs ot the Udupi District) of Karnataka state up to the Kasargod Taluk (on the northern part) of the Kerala State. In ancient times this region was called Tulunaadu (the Tulu country) and the people whose mother tongue is Tulu are called the Tuluvas.
Tulu language belongs to the Dravidian group of languages that are spoken mainly in South India. Linguists enumerate about 24 Dravidian languages spread mainly in South India and some parts of North India and also in a few areas of Pakistan. Among a couple of dozens of Dravidian languages a few have evolved into major ones and have produced innumerable literary works for the last two thousand years. These works can stand par with other literary works of the world both in quality and quantity. Such developed languages of the Dravidian family are called as Major Dravidian languages. They are mainly five in number viz. Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Tulu and Malayalam. Thus attention may be drawn upon the fact that Tulu language is also one among the five major Dravidian languages. These five major Dravidian languages together are called as ‘Pancha Dravida BhashegaLu’.
Unfortunately the significance of the Tulu language was note recognised until Rev. Caldwell brought out his monumental work called ‘A comparative Grammar of the Dravidian or South Indian Family of Languages’. In this prestigious work he justifies that ‘Notwithstanding its want of a literature, Tulu is one of the most highly developed languages of the Dravidian family.’ It was this appraisal that opened the eyes of the lingusts towards Tulu and made them to give due respect and recognition to it as one of the important and developed Dravidian languages.
Tulu is spoken by about 2.5 million people. The major number of Tulu speaking population is found, in dense, in the coastal area of Karnataka state. Equally good number of Tulu speakers can be seen all over India and also in other parts of the World, mainly in Gulf countries and in U S A.
Tulu script:

In a casual or serious discussion on Tulu language, a question often crops up, right from the experts to laymen. That is whether Tulu has a script ? If ‘yes’ whether it is a form of Malayalam script?
The reasons for such a question are:
1. Tulu literature written in Tulu was, for long, not available (now Tulu classics in Tulu Script are discovered)
2. Tulu script was mainly used by Brahmins for writing Mantras. So others were not exposed to the script.
3. Tulu was not a medium or subject of formal school education. So Tulu script did not figure in school curriculum.
4. The similarity between Tulu and Malayalam scripts.
5. And, mainly because of the use of Kannada script for Tulu by German missionaries during the early stages of printing of Tulu works.
Language and Script
Language and Script are two different entities. The relation between a language and a script is neither ‘original’ nor ‘fixed’. Any language can be written in any script. That is how, there are about twenty scripts in the world for thousands of languages. Having or not having ‘own script’ is neither a status nor any impediment for a language. One of the prime language of today, English doesn’t have its own script. It uses the Roman script. So called ‘Divine language ‘ (Devabhasha) Sanskrit is written in Nagari script. Nagari is employed by Marathi, Hindi etc. English or Sanskrit can be written in Nagari or Kannada scripts. Name boards, letterheads etc use this type of writings. The words like English, railway, bus, paper, engineer are English words written in various scripts. “I speak English” can be written in many scripts and the meaning is same. So also, sentences of any language in any script. Language and Script are not inseparable. Script is like mirror. It can reflect any image.
A script called Tulu is used in Tulunadu for centuries. All Tulu classics discovered recently are in Tulu script, and som in other scripts. This Tulu script was being used by Brahmins. Till recently they were using it for writing Mantras, for accounts etc. Since hundreds of years, Tulu Brahmins were going to Kerala Temples for priestly work (called ‘Shanti’ Services). They took the Tulu writing with them to Kerala thus they carried the Tulu script to Kerala. Malayalam had not developed a script of its own by that time. The upper castes and classes of Keralites started close contacts with the Tulu Brahmins and hence they adopted the Tulu script, and later adopted it to what is now called the Malayalam script. (This has been proved in detail by Vidwan P V Puninchathaya in ‘Tulu -Nadu-Nudi’).
Tulu as a language branched off from Dravidian (Mula Dravida), language, at least a thousand years earlier to Malayalam. So it is unlikely that a language much younger gave a script to an older language. Actually, probably Malayalam as an independent language was yet to be evolved, when Tulu had its own classical literature. So Tulu could not borrow a Malayalm script, simply because it did not exist. What existed was a Tulu Script, later taken by Malayalam. Another important proof of its antiquity is that the pundits (‘mathadhipatis’) use only Tulu for their signature since the begining of Matha tradition, despite the high status of Sanskrit in Mutts. Neither Sanskrit nor Kannada, but Tulu script is the official script of the Mutts in Tulunadu. Hence, it is a script evolved in Tulu area, that was later adopted for Malayalam. Hence it is Tulu script, and not Malayalam script nor Tulu-Malayalam script. To call Tulu script as Malayalam is both wrong and unfortunate.
Tulu is now disappearing in Tulu country and has established itself in Kerala. This, like many, is a paradox. So Tulu script has become a daughter of the in laws, and in-law of the motherland. The use of Kannada for Tulu is the reason for this pecular situation. The modern Tulu writings are using Kannada script. So it is natural that Tulu script is not likely to be revived for writing Tulu.
It is proved beyond doubt that Tulu had a script of its own. Tulu has given a script to Malayalam. Because of the use of Kannada for Tulu by German missionaries, the use of Tulu script declined. Most Tuluvar know Kannada. So they can easily use kannada script for Tulu. Script and language are adoptable to each other. So with a few modifications, Kannada can be used for Tulu also. Any language can use any script. It is in question of usage and practices. However we should not forget that Tulu had its own script, and should at least know about it.
– Dr. K Padmanabha Kekunnaya
HI Mr.YUVRAJ, This is with reference to your above comments dt.17.10.2012.
You can easily laern THULU LIPI by reading my book ” Thulu Lipi Therile” which was released i Mumbai on 28.1.2012 by The President of Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy Mangalore.
Dr Suneeta M.Shetty a popular writer and award winner for Literature wrote prefeace to the book and the Editor of Akshaya Magazine Dr.Ishwara Alevuru wrote Banck cover page to the book. During the book releasing function there were as guests of honor on the dias prominent writer and Editor of Guruthu Mr.Babu Shiva Pojary, retired Professor and writer Dr.Vishvanath Karnad, Joint Secretary of the Billawar Association Dr.U Dhanajaya Kumar, Editor of Mogaveera Magazine Mr.Ashok Kumar, well known poet in Thulu Language Mr.Simanthuru Chandrahaasa Suvarna, prominent writer Mr.Gangadhara Paniyuru, President of Thulu Nada Samaja Dr.Raviraj Poojary. They all spoke well about the book.
There was a KAVI GOSHTI which was participated by 12 poets an all read their own poems written in THULU
Yes it was happy occasion for THULUVAAS IN MUMBAI ON 28.1.2012.The book was published by JP PRAKAASHANA,MUMBAI
The price of the Bok is Rs.150 per copy. IO will post three book at a time free of postage if you pay Rs 450 by drawing your p[aymnet cheque in my favour payable in Mumbai. Or you an arrange collcetion of the book in Mumbai through your known people in Mumbai My email
It was the First of that kind . Thanks GOD and the Thulu baandavasin Mumbai and Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy.Manalore. )
Jayakar Poojary
Native Place=Moodbidri (BEDRA)
Dear Mr. Jayakar poojary,
Thanks for your reply. Can I have your contact details so that I can buy your book.
Dear Mr. Yuvaraj
At the out set I and JP Prakashana Mumbai wish you a HAPPY DIWALI and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR . ದೀಪಾವಲಿ ಬೊಕ್ಕ ಪೊಸ ವರ್ಸೊಗು ಎಡ್ಡೆಪ್ಪುದ ಸುಬಾಸಯದ ಸುಗಿಪನೆ = DIIPAAVALI BOKKA POSA VAR<SOGU ED:D:EPPUDA SUBAASAYADA SUGIPANE' =
My email
If you have your relatives or friends who could pay for three books , I will send by post the books free of postage to your address . Please email me your address and mobile Number and the address / Mobile number of your Mumbai contact . My mob: 09833723472. Please SMS your message for quick response.
Jayakar D.Poojary, Mumbai
Mata tuluverege namaskara,
I am very happy to know that there are so many organisations working for the betterment of our mother tongue. I will soon contact the right people where I can share my feeling and contributions for bringing up the language. I recently felt that due to Malayalam and Kannada, Tulu is in the verge of dying. Let’s all put our hand and brain together. Best wishes.
Balakrishna Rai
from Kotekkar (Kumble)
Presently based in Bangalore
I was aware that there was a script for Tulu language as told by my late father. But more details I came to know only through your blog.Thank you for the information provided.I also understand some of the Swamijis of Udupi Ashta Mutt were/are signing in Tulu. Thank U for the information. Let us make use of this to learn TULU LIPI and to propogate this to our future genertions.
Very interesting article. There are lot of similarities in Tulu and Malabari languages. Which is derived from which is difficult to answer. It is like chicken and egg mystery. By all probability , Tulu may be derivative of malabari as malabari has a script. The Brahmins in Tulunadu most probably migrants from north who adopted the local language. This explains their fair skin
Feeling very happy to read articles about our mother tongue Tulu. In fact yesterday Tulukoota Bangalore organised Bisu Parba and awarded Toulava Sri to couple of great personalities who have been working for Tulu language. Once I was asking myself that whether our tulu was a dyeing language. But now looking at our people working their heart out to bring the language to the lime light, its really encouraging. We all should come forward to bring our own Tulu to the world.
Jai Tulunad
Dear Tulu lovers:
I have some good news regarding the propagation of the Tulu script research. This time when I visited Puthige Matha, Udupi I was introduced to a couple of sincere research workers who showed the details of their accomplishments.
The preparatory room was full of intact, half opened, cleaned, bundled, labeled, tied with new wood binders etc. All they did was urging people to bring their TULU THADVALES to the Matha and they will clean it dry it, decipher it as to the content tie them with new wood frames and RETURN to the owner at no cost! However, if the owner has no interest in taking back, the Matha has a library can accommodate the same. What a service!!!
Thanks to Pandit Ramanathachar and Ramesh and a young student wanting to learn tulu for his research. I have a feeling the work will progress in Udupi just like in Dharmasthala. Revival has started, so please publicize and support the concept
Thanks in anticipation
I am glad to inform that my SECOND book about Thulu Lipi titling ” THULU LPI THERILE-BARAVUGU NIREL” means a protection to the fading Thulu lipi and to know to write Thulu lipi was released on 22.6.2013 at SAMARASA BHAVANA of VIshveshwarayya Auditirium at Matunga in Mumbai . The book was released by the Editor of Akshaya Monthly Magazine Shri M.B.Kuckian The function was graced by Shri A.B Shetty, the Presiedent of Kanada Bhavana Education Society Mumba, Shri G.T.Acharya The Ex President of Goregaon Karnataka Sangha , Dr.Suneetha Shetty, Dr,Bharatkumar Polipu, Hon Gen Secretary of Karnataka Sangha,Shri H.Mohandas the President of Devadiga Sangha,Dadar Shri .Rajit Suvarna of Tulu Sangha Borivli, Shri Kiran N.Shetty of Navin Printers, Shri Simanthuru Chandrahasa Suvarnawho wrote preface to the book , Smt G.P. Kusuma, Shri HBL RaoPresident of Sahitya Academy,( who wrote cover page to the book and spoke about the book after the release. The function was started with a Kavi Goshti presided by Shri B.S.Kurkal and participated by 10 poets including myself.
The book is written in such a way that those who know Thulu but can not read Kannada script can read and write Thulu using English Script. The book explains how o write Thulu Lipi letters, how to use allographs, how to form words, how to write numbers etc. It is 128 pages including beautiful cover page and cover page. The book is dedicated to the Thulu bhaandavaas spread all over throgh Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy Mangalore and by soliciting the blesings of Shree M
Please make the following corrections in my above message date 2nd July 2013
Please read the title of the book as ” THULU LIPI BARELE-BARAVUGU NIREL<" instead of "THULU LIPI THERILE- BARAVUGU NIREL"
The title of my First book released on 28.1.2012 is " THULU LIPI THERILE "
The cover page ( BENNUDI) to the book is written by Smt.G.P.Kusuma who spoke about the book after the release.
Shri HBL Rao was one of the invited guests of Honor during book releasing function. He also spoke as guest of honor.
The price of the book is Rs.130/ and available directly from Jayakar Dejappa Poojary by calling on 09869524573 or email < mail4jayakar@rediffmail.com< or
Sorry for the oversight and missing portion of the message during the transmission of my above message
Jayakar D.Poojary
Its really long time since i posted my first comment on October 22nd, 2008.
I just saw what Ramesh has said on “April 12th, 2009”.
“Baseless arguments, rooted in egotism ,like the one by Potti are perhaps responsible for the uncharitable remarks made by Malayalis about Tuluva settlers in Kerala”
Just by staying in Kerala for nearly 23 years, you cannot judge my statements as false.
I was born and brought up in kerala, but i did research before posting.
And if you heard uncharitable remarks from so called Malayalis, it is because of your character not because you speak Tulu. I know you are elder to me. But the Egotism
you displayed here is really awful!!!
So try to correct yourself rather than judging other’s statements. And when discussions are going on don’t target people and divert topic!!!
And Google to know about Kerala before 12th century.
And by the way its not just me who is saying Malayalam is derived from Tulu. See this article at below link. Its not written by me by the way.
Could you please help me spell the below mentioned in Tuly script.
@Sudhir Shetty avre, What is Tuly script? The spellings are correct.
Dear Sir,
It was a typographical error.
Could you please spell the following words in Tulu lipi and oblige.
@ Sudhir avre, How do you expect us to write the words in Tulu and send them across to you? No software supports Tulu lipi.
I look for any literarture to learn Madhwa Bhahmin Tulu ? is that available anywhere now ?
Happy to see the TULU LIPI. Please put the website designed in memory of late Dr Venkatraja punichithaya,opened by Sri Sri Sri Keshavanda Bharathi Swmiji,Edneer Mutt
MESSAGAE to Mr.Sudhir andMr.Balchandra
Good news that SOFTWARE SUPPORT has been developed, demonstrated and dedicated during the VISHAVA TULU PARBA held at Sahyadri , Adyar, Mangalore . The software is exactly like we type the computer for other languages. Moreover, I participated in the session held during the function and I was happy to note that I was orally told that my both the books ” THULU LIPI THERILE ” and ” THULU LPI BARELE ” were referred during the exercise. I have certificate issued in my name during the session and everything through software mode. The time is not far that you can also type thulu lipi the way we type other scipts in computer.
MESSAGE TOMr.Shrikrishna Aggithaya Kanhangad
Sir, By now you must be knowing how Dr Venkatraj Punicithaya had made advance studies regarding the Tulu Lipi. It was sheer circumsatial incident out of curiosity to know about a bunch of old bundle of unknown lipis written in palmtrees and after thorough studies and comparision it was first assumed and subsequently proved that the lipi was of THULU language. The one who gave that bundle of palm leaves consisting of thulu lipi is not rememberd. Any way, good research work was done and dedivcated to the THULU NAADU.. But after doing such a brain strorming research work regarding THu;lu Lipi, now Thuluvaas are not taking too much interest to study the same for the main reason that the younger generation is trending towards foreign languages. This should not be the deterrent move for the reintroduction of thulu lipi. I have masterd the way it could help in pactice. M
Continued message to Mr.Shrikrishna Aggithaya Kanhangad:
I have masterd the way it could help in practice to learn tulu lipi . My Two books Titled ” THULU LIPI THERILE ” released in Mumbai on 28.1.2012 and also in USA on 24.6.2012 and the Second Book ” Thulu Lipi Barele=Baravugu Nirel ” released in Mumbai on 22.6.2013 are of much use in that direction.
Currently I have Five more books written and ready to publish exclusively regagarding THULU LIPI. and for the better and easier use. Pulication is delayed due to paucity of fund. My books are not the KG Level books since it does not have picture presentation. These are of different standered and written with different outlook. If my three more books that are under publication are released , then there is absolutely no difficulty in understanding, learning or writing Thulu Lipi for the day to day use by the Thuluvas.
Moreover, good news is that a very effective software has been already developed and demonstarted during the recent Vishva Thulu Parba held in Mangalore under the Presidentship of Dr.Veerendra Heggade, the Dharmadarshi of Shree Dharmasthala Kskeethra held with the joint participation of AKHILA BHARATA TULU OKKUUTA and KARNATA TULU SAHITHYA ACEDEMY MANGALORE. It was indeed an occasion to reckon with regarding efforts being taken for the development of Tulu language and Reintroduction of Thulu Lipi
Jayakar Dejappa Poojary
I am writing about two important developments took place regarding my writing about THULU LIPI matter.
First one was the importance given to my two books ” THULU LIPI THERILE ” and ” THULU LIPI BARELE ” during the opening session of VISHVA TULU PARBA held in Mangalore at Sayhadri College Complex on 12.Dec, 13 Dec and 14 Dec. During the inauguration of the book exhibition held at the behest of Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Acedemy, Mangalore, my two books were selected to keep in front on the copper plate spreadwith beetle leaves and arecanuts as recommended by Mr.Pradeep Kalkura, the President , D.K.Kannada Parishathu. Mangalore without knowing my presence there. It was also seconded by Dr.Janaki Brahmavara , The Chairperson of Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Acedemy, Mangalore as aq befitting recognition for the work done by me in the field of Thulu Lipi Development Etc. After the opening, my books were also in demand at the sales counter. The relevant photographs are already in the WEBSITE.
Second one is the First time attempt to release CALENDAR for 2015 prepared by me in THULU LIPI NUMBERS and THULU LIPI LETTERS. It was released in Mumbai in the hands of Mr.Golpal Shetty very popular Tuluva M.P representing Borivali / Dahisar constituency. It was during the celebration of 4th Anniversary of TULU SANGHA BORIVALI, NUNBAI held at Amphi Theater situated at Brahmakumari Garden Comlex in Borivali. The function was well attended by Tuluvas and graced by prominent tuluva personalities under the presidentship of the Tulu Sanga Borivali Mr.Petemane Prakash Shetty and as initiated by the Joint Secretary of the Sangha Mr.Pravin Shetty Seemanthuru. The calendar named in THULU as KOONDE; has special features which are much use for thuluvas to know about, It specially says when the thulu month starts, and the significance of some thuluva days like Sankraanthi, Singod:e’, Barani, Kirthuke’, Punname, Puuve’, Amaase, Paad:ya, kaala, etc. It has proverb related to the month and list of Thulu words that can be constructed from trhe letter starting with the Thulu month . There are a lot of other information as well. It is released with offset printing and expect a lot of improvement in due course with proper sponsorship . However, it has been well accepted with curiosity by the audience during the function. The calendar is in 26 pages and each month folio is consistying of detailed explanation etc. The calendar is priced Rs.50 for the 26 pages information. The calendar is in three languages viz English for English D
Another First time in Mumbai was the display of Banner of the Tulu Sanga Borivali written in THULU LIUPI
Another important event was the FIRST TIME display of Banner prepared in Thulu Lipi and in readable form. It was only during the release o my two books in 2012 and 2013, such banners were prepared by me , None of the Tulu Social Organisations in Mumbai did that , But this time TULU SANGHA BORIVALI did display a banner in THULU LIPI so that the audience were all thrilled to see the same. The Guests on the stage appreciated the presentation as first of that kind.
All these three matters could be seen in website as well as in news papers published in Mumbai . I was also honored by the Tulu Sangha Borivali on the occasion.
YES LOT OF WORKS NEED TO DO to propagate for the reintroduction of TULU LIPI into practice. It is easy . WHERE THERE IS WILL ,THERE IS A WAY
Today we shall be celebrating our Republic Day 26.1.2015 in the presence Honb’le President of America Mr. OBAMA. LET IT BE ANOTHER MOST SUCCESSFULL HISTORIC EVENT IN INDIAN POLITICS.
Jayakar Dejappa Poojary
26.1.2015 (5.22 AM )
Its an honor ro know that Tulu lipi existed and is one of the ancient Dravidian language. But also sad to know that this literature is used by Keralites as their script. Even the Keralites may boast of their literature not even knowing the fact that they are using Tulu Lipi in a true sense.
Hats off to the people of Tulunad..even after knowing the fact..they consider other people with humbleness and pay due respect.
We really wish that every one in Kerala should know this fact and being Indian..we all should be united with no hard feelings.
sir ,i want to learn Tulu language,im finding a way from past 3 months in bamgalore,bt no one is showing to teach ,please help me ,
sir ,i want to learn Tulu language,im finding a way from past 3 months in bangalore,but no one is helping to teach ,please help me ,
Meet Sri Bannanje Govindacharya and ask who will teach.
Message dt.23.6.2015
Learning Thulu is easy, It can be by reading thulu language written using Kannada script. But this , according me , is not as perfect as we talk. Because sometimes writing thulu in Kannada miss guides the very pronounciation. Hence the younger generation who knew only English can learn Thulu by following the rule of transliteration. This is very clearly explained with example in my book “THULU LIPI BARELE ,NARAVUGU NIREL ” Three more books released on 2.6.2013 in Mumbai. Howvr the copies are not available and need reprinting but with some sponsorship. The book also shows how to read Thulu in the way we talk, I have three more books to publish mainly related to Thulu Lipi, A it is understood, my presentation is not of the KG Junior standard that only gives letters with pictures. My approach is how to read and write Thulu and Thulu than explaining what is what.
I also teach how to read Thulu Lipi to the interested section in Mumbai and thinking up arranging the same in larger scale . But it all depends upon the response and support as it is expensive to manage the show in Mumbai. Still some thing memorable will be held in Mumbai soon regarding this ,
Jayakar Dejappa Poojary, Mumbai
Writer and publisher of abt.25 articles about Thulu Lipi in Bumbai since 2008, TWO books ” THULU LIPI THERILE and THULU LIPI BARELE =BARAVUGU NIREL published and released in Mumbai in 2012 and 2013 , THULU LIPI CLENDER named THULU
LIPIT:< THULU THINGOLDA , THULU DINOKKULENA PAT:T:I= 2015= KOONDE. released in Mumbai . This will be published in future every year in Mumbai as there is good support.
ಜೈ ಶ್ರೀಕೃಷ್ಣ
ಸಮಸ್ತ ತುಳು ಬಾದವೆರೆಗ್ ನಮಸ್ಕಾರ
ತುಳು ಲಿಪಿ – ಉಂಡ ಇದ್ಯ…
೧೯೬೩ ಟ್, ಪರಮ ಪೂಜ್ಯ ಪಾದೂರು ಗುರುರಾಜ ಭಟ್ರ್ ಒಂಜಿ ಸಂಶೋಧನೆ ಅಂತೆರ್.
“ತುಳುನಾಡು – (ಸಾಮಾಜಿಕ ಚರಿತ್ರೆಯಲ್ಲಿ ಒಂದು ಸಂಶೊಧನಾತ್ಮಕ ವಿವೇಚನೆ)”
ಐತೊ ಪ್ರಕಾರ ಶಿವಳ್ಳಿ ಬ್ರಾಹ್ಮಣೆರ್ ಪೂರ್ವೊಂಟು ಕೇರಳ ದೇಶೊಂಕ್ ತಂತ್ರಸಾರ ಕಲ್ಪೆರೆ ಪೋನಗ ಔಳು ಆಕ್ಳು ಬರೆಒಂತ್ನೊ ಮಲಯಾಳ ಟಿಪ್ಪಣಿ (ನೋಟ್ಸ್) ಳು ಕಾಲಕ್ರಮೇಣ ಬದಲಾತ್ ಇತೆ ನಮ ಪಣ್ಪುಣೊ ತುಳು ಲಿಪಿ ಆತ್ನ. ಉಂದೆಕ್ಕ್ ಪುಶ್ಟಿ ಪಂಡ ತುಳು ಬೆತ್ತ್ ಮಲಯಾಳ ಲಿಪಿಕ್ ಇಪ್ಪುಣೊ ಸಾಮ್ಯ. ಉಂದೆತ್ತೊ ಬಗ್ಗೆ ವಿಸ್ತ್ರ್ ತ ವಿಛಾರೊಂಕ್ ಏನ್ ಮಿತ್ತ್ಡ್ ಪಣ್ತ್ನೊ ಪುಸ್ತಕನಿ ಓದೊಡ್ಂತ್ ಎನ್ನೊ ಅಭಿಪ್ರಾಯ. ಉಂದು ಪ್ರತಿ ಒರಿ ತುಳುವೆಲ ಓದೊಡಿತ್ನೊ ಪುಸ್ತಕ…
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A protuberância todavia assim como certo aperto que excede os complicações estéticos também morre
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Still, the posts are very quick for novices.
Could you please lengthen them a bit from subsequent
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i am thulu brahmin
Yes! Finally ѕomeone writes about washer and dryer repair.
I wonder why and how I missed the site for long!
I would like to share some information of/on Thulu. I speak 100% the tulu language a nd am a self styled resercher.Most point in the above I agree and support.
I thought that I am alone to think that the prsent day Malayalm lipi is the real thulu lipi. I am good at Malayalam as I am in Trivandrum and Kochi cities of Kerala.We write well in Malayalam. When we send messages in malayalm lipi with thulu words We find no difficulty.
Further there is a magazine from Kottayam the pulp town of Kerala.It is a monthly called MADHWA KALYAN.It is running without break for more than 15 years!! In it tulu stories are published regularly. Circulation exceeds 6000 with a readership of 10,000 allover India and abroad.Since it is mostly in Malayalam those who have not learned Malyalm are unable to read.
I am one who contributes regularly stories, poems articles, snippets quotes etc all related to one or other facet of Tulu culture.
Thulu mathe namsthubhyam….This is an octet.
My cell is 9349256711.
Thanks for the sscholarly observation
Speak tulu,write tulu, and think in Tulu!
It will take some time to write in tulu itself. till then one may write in english/kannada/sanskrit/hindi/malayalam for family and friendly communications. This is to prevent erosion of tulu to these languages.
Sincer message to Shri Krishna Rao, Jayakar Dejappa Poojary from Mumbai (presently in USA till this month end ) sincerly thank u for the well built concern towards knowing the existence and the future development of tulu and its lipi. I will be writing a few informations about my efforts made in that direction. I have already written in this site time and again about the little research oriented exercise done by me about tulu language and tulu lipi. Whereas I do not want to repeat what has been already told, I still feel like writing to u for the good concern u have towards tulu language and tulu lipi. Sir, I am 71 year old and retired from Banking service in Mumbai with my full time educatinal back ground ( M.A in Economics from Karnataka University, LL.B from Mumbai University, CAIIB from Bank of Baroda, DEBM in Foreighn Exchange from Xavier,s Institute in Mumbai and LIPT regarding placement etc). I had social concern in Mumbai since 1972 and was two time Gen. Secretary and one time Vice oresident of the Billawar Association ( the biggest Association of Billawa Community ) which sponsored Bharat Co op Bank in 1976\ 1977 and Akshaya monthly magazine in Mumbai. Also served in few other social organisations in Mumbai .Study about Thulu language annd thulu lipi ( pI write this as THULU the way we speak . There is one chapter in my Second Book THULU LIPI BARELE BARAUGU NIREL about the rule of transiliteration that should be adopted while writing thulu the way we speak by using English Script ) has been developed as my hobby since 2003/4. I started studying about thulu lipi since 2003 and took inteest due to many catalists which inspired me to take interest ( Surprisingly I could get some informations about this from USA and had an opportunity to visit and see about this in the spacious library of Loyola University Chicago in 2009. ) I prepared three hand written books titled THULU lIPI THERILE , THULU LIPI BARELE -BARAVUGU NIREL and THULU LIPI OODULE -BARAVUDA BUURU , It was ready when attended vishwa tulu sammeelana held in ujire in 2009. There after I published about 15 articles about hulu lipi Dhr ing 2010/2011 in Mumbai and on 28.1.2012 I published through JP Prakaashana Mumbai my First book titled THULU LIPI THERILE and got released in the hands of Shri Umanath AKotian the then President of Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy Mangalore in a grand scale wherein about 7 Ph. D Scholars were on the dias .The preface to that book was written by Dr. Sunita M Shetty and back cover page was written by Dr. Ishwar Alevuoru. This was first of that kind in Mumbai .This book was also released in USA during a social gatheing held near Boston on 24.6.2012. The book is 150 pages abd priced Rs. 150. To continue …….
Message to Rao contd……..There after the matter was in news in Mumbai and Thulu speaking people started getting interest in knowing thulu lipi. In response to the readers request, I published through JPPrakaashana Mumbai my Second Book THULU LIPI BRELE – BARVUGU NIREL band gott released in Mumbai on 22.6.2013 . This book is consisting if the rule of transiliteration ( not translation) while writing thulu the way it us spoken by using English Script. Shri Chandrahas Suvarna wrote preface and Dr.GPKusuma wrote back cover oage to this book.The book also teaches as to how to write Thulu lipi ( with arrow marks ) . There are few hundred to thousand thulu words taken to learn in that book . This book also explains how to use Allography and clusters while writing thulu lipi giving special reference to hrasva and deerga swaraas and alpapraanaas ans mahaapraanaas in the swarasa and consonants. This book ephasises the special feature of thulu language using dead consonants while speaking which is very important while speaking or writing correct thulu either using kannada lipi or english script. This book is also of 125 pages and priced Rs. 130 each. Thereafter I started teaching thulu lipi at low profile in my office premises in Mumbai. Thus I got recognition among thuluvaas in Mumbai and at Native place,
The I prepared aThulu lipi calendar for the year 2015 and got released in Mumbai in the hands of popular MP in Mumbai Shri Gopal Shetty , a tuluva . It was again first time of that kind released in Mumbai.
Then I prepared a thulu Lipi calendar covering the thulu months PAGGU startedo on 14.4.2016 and SUGGI ending on 13.4.2017 and titled it as PASU KOONDE ( PASU with first letter of Paggu and first letter of Suggi !Kooonde means bunch in thulu ) . This was released firmally on 27.3.2016 in the hands of Shri Dayananda Bontra the President if Tulu Sangha Baroda during the anniversary celebration of Sahitya Balaga Mumbai. This calendar was in three language and in addition to thulu dates and thithhis , it also consist of about 1500 thulu words formed from the first letter of every thulu months. This was subsequently released in Goregaon Karnataka Sangha (?of which I was the Ex Gen Secretary ) on 14.4.2016 during a thulu day celebration by the sangha
likewise the PASU KOONDE was prepared for the period from 14.4.2017 to 13.4.2018 and was released in Mumbai during an anniversary celebration of Tulu Kannada Welfare Association Mira Road. These are all the little service from me for e development of thulu language and thulu lipi.
Attended Vishwa thulu sammeelanaas held in Mulki during 12 to14 Agust 2016 and in Kasaragod during December 2016. Also participated in the Vichaara goshti arranged by The Karnataka Tulu Sahitya Academy in March 2015 to discuss and decide about the final form of thulu lipi . It was memorable as my tulu lipi format did not contradict in any way as selected by Govinda Pai Sanshodhana Keendra Udupi and Karnataka Tulu Sahita Academy Mangalore and a xerox of the formate of tulu lipi was distributed during the goshti so that the same be follod to teach tulu lipi.
Yes, better not to beat my own trumpet about the little work. But fact remains that the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. That is zapart and may be irrelevant here.
There few books about thulu lipi and thulu literature drafted but yet to be edited and published. About Five books about thulu lipi, about three books about thulu literature / thulu culture , about two books general but in English , and one Kavana Sankalana consisting if some of those poems read in Various Kavi Goshti and some are published in Various maga zines , periodicals and news papers .
My articles specially about thulu subjects were published in the popular weekly thulu news paper The Times Of Kudla which is regularly published from Mangalore. Some of the thulu articles are THUT:T:U SOLME PAND:A DADA ( as many speakers or program co ordinatirs use the word in different meaning ), THULUT:T:U KAMBALA SABDA YENCHA BATHTHUPPU , THULUT:T: ED:MA DIKK<LEG YENCHA PANPUNU , THUlU BHAASE THULU WIKIPEDIODU ( published in 14 parts ) , THULUT:T:U PISAACHI ( PISACHI ) SABDADA YISEESATHE DAADA .
In addition to those publications my 35 small moral stories titling AJJI KATHE have bee regularly published in the same TIMES OF KUDLA , the popular and only one of that kind weekly news paper of 8 pages exclusively in thulu language using kannada lipi. These are the few contributions to thulu literature , thulu culture and thulu lipi from me
(Jayakar Dejappa Poojary Mumbai Email jayakar27@gmail.com )
More later
I am interested to learn tulu language. Can you post the details to my email id. I just came to know about the website just now.
Thanks in advance.
We’re excited to hear how your manuclave turns out! I’m sure when you get in to MIT the Zero-G Team will be happy to have a new member!
I COULD NOT UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU INTEND TO SAY FOR ME, However please note that Thulu Language was recognised by WIKIPEDIA and got 294 th place in May 2016 after remaining in INCUBATION status for 8 years, Now in November 2017 . Google.s G board recognised thulu as one of the 119 internationl languages and as one of the 22 Indian Languages for allotment of UNICODE, But unfortunately Gboard uses KANNADA SCRIPT instead of THULU SCRIPT for their purpose since the thulu lipi fonts are not yet fianlised . GBOAED recognised me as PRIME MEMBER in view of my participation and my contribution and efforts towards development of thulu language and thulu lipi, All I need is the financial support and sponsors for furthering the exercise. MORE LATER ,. Jayakara D. Poojary
For my article on Tulu poetry in Telugu, request you people to please let me know the year of birth of the following .. hoping that they are from Bombay ..Sunitha M. Shetty, G.P.Kusuma and a brief about them. I have mentioned them in my article and translated few poems.
With Regards,
I came across a great article, a research done by Tamil scholar on Tulu Language, he traces Tulu langauge to be as old as 30,000 years. it dates back to Sangam age, Read all 6 pages
Handwritten script is not clearly understood. It would be better to post a type written script. This would help us u=understand the exact form of a particular letter.
Handwritten script is not clearly understood. It would be better to post a type written script. This would help us understand the exact form of a particular letter.